Voxel Counter of Post Relations

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  • The code snippet will check the number of post relations of your post. In our example, we use “feature-request” post type key, When a feature request is created or updated, the function will run and check the database for voxel post relations, so that the hidden field “total_myposttype” will get updated with the total number […]

The code snippet will check the number of post relations of your post.

In our example, we use “feature-request” post type key,
When a feature request is created or updated, the function will run and check the database for voxel post relations, so that the hidden field “total_myposttype” will get updated with the total number of post relations.
Now you can use this field for sorting, filtering and display.

Create a number field in your post type called “total_myposttype”

Add a post relation field with the custom key “myposttype”.

Edit the $post_type_config arrays from the code.

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Voxel Counter of Post Relations

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