• Counter | Tag Archive
The live notifications checker plugin is a Facebook notifications replica. updates LIVE the title page with (9) the number of unseen notifications and messages + a red dot to the favicon let’s you setup how often to do the check from Tools > Notifications Checker shows unread tab notifications even in between sessions or devices […]
Let’s say that you are a real-estate agency, or a blog author. Now you can invite emails to join as agents or contributors, so that your agency’s activity is continually updated by the team members. parent users can invite email’s to join as child users parent users give the same membership plan to the child […]
When a post is published or deleted, the counter will re-count all of your posts from each post type that exists. An option value will be created/updated with the total number for each post type. To display the option you can use a simple variable $total_posts = get_option(‘total_post’, 0); or the Voxel Dynamic Tags from […]
Want to know how many people submit a form or click on contact details? Do that! And do it for every post on your website. The Lead Generation Counter plugin will: – count the number of elementor form submissions on your post/listing – count the number of clicks on elements that contain “click-counter” in the […]
This snippet works with the Elementor PRO Form. If you are using ACF or Voxel, create a field key “submission_count” for your post type. When a form is submitted on any post, the snippet will increment the value of the “submission_count” meta field with +1 for the post where the form was submitted.  
The code snippet will check the number of post relations of your post. In our example, we use “feature-request” post type key, When a feature request is created or updated, the function will run and check the database for voxel post relations, so that the hidden field “total_myposttype” will get updated with the total number […]