Let’s say that you are a real-estate agency, or a blog author.
Now you can invite emails to join as agents or contributors, so that your agency’s activity is continually updated by the team members.
- parent users can invite email’s to join as child users
- parent users give the same membership plan to the child users
- child users can view their parent user posts in their own dashboard
- child users can create & edit posts on behalf of the parent user
- child users are shown as “contributors” or “agents” in the posts that they added / edited
To invite users, simply add email addresses inside a repeater field from his profile, and an invitation link will be sent on save.
Check the documentation of this plugin.
This simple rules from the above, will allow us to:
Invite Team Members
Show Child Profile in the Parent Profile
Show Parent Profile in the Child Profile
Show Child Profiles in Post Types as “Contributors”
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Plugin settings: yoursite.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=tip-settings
Team Member Role
Create a role that only the invited team members should have. This will be useful to you when using visibility rules.
In our case, we will create a role named “Team Member” from Membership > Roles
In General > Role Switch, uncheck “Allow registered users to switch to this role”
In Plans > Settings, check “Enable membership plans for this role” and uncheck “Show plans during registration”
Invite Team Members
In your “Profiles” post type, create a repeater with the Field Key “team-members”
In the repeater fields add:
– Email with Field Key “email”
– Invitation sent with field key “sent_at”
– Invitation accepted with field key “accepted_at”
– User ID with field key “user_id”
– Profile ID with field key “profile_id”
*You can change the names but not the field key names.
Make User ID and Profile ID visible only to the Administrator role.
Show “Invitation sent” if “Invitation sent” is not empty as a Conditional logic.
Show “Invitation accepted” if “Invitation accepted” is not empty as a Conditional logic.
Optional: Go back to general, and select “Email” at Row label, and write “Team Member” at Default row label and “Add Team Member” at “Add row label”.
Save changes.
When a user is invited, the field “Invitation sent” is populated imediatelly at profile update, and the fields “Invitation accepted”, “User ID”, and “Profile ID” are be populated automatically upon registration.
If the user deletes the “Invitation sent” field content, and saves the profile again, the invitation will be sent again.
Show Team Members in Posts where they Contributed
When a team member creates or edits a post, the post will have the “Team Leader” as the author. Always.
The team member is registered in the post that he publishes or edits.
Now we can use his profile id to show him as a “Contributor” in the post.
To do so, we need to create another repeater in the Post Type.
Field name: Contributors
Field Key: team-member-contributors
Repeater fields:
Field name: User ID
Field Key: user_id
Field name: Profile ID
Field Key: profile_id
Field name: Last edited at
Field Key: edited_at
*Important* Add the “Visibility rule” show if Dynamic Tag > User Meta: linked_to_user > Is empty.
Save Changes.
Next, create a simple custom “Preview Card template” in the “Profiles” post type.
Start Basic: Avatar, Name and URL on both.
In the “single post” template, add the “Post feed (VX)” widget with
Data Source “Manual Selection”,
Post Type “Profiles”,
Preview card template “anything you want”
Choose Posts “Post > Contributors > Profile ID”
and the Loop repeater row | Post > Contributors.
Show the Team Members in the Team Leader profile
In the “single post” template of the “Profiles” post type, add the “Post feed (VX)” widget with
Data Source “Manual Selection”,
Post Type “Profiles”,
Preview card template “anything you want”
Choose Posts “Post > Team Members > Profile ID”
and the Loop repeater row | Post > Team Members.
Show the Team Leader in the Team Member profile
Data Source “Manual Selection”,
Post Type “Profiles”,
Preview card template “anything you want”
Choose Posts “Author > User Meta: linked_to_profile”
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Feature request form says “An error occurred” so posting feature request here:
Add display name tag for use in invitation email template
- October 28, 2024
- 0
- Solved
I was wondering if the plugin has an approval mechanism on update/edit?
For example, a Team Member (child user) edits a post, submits it, this revised post is held in moderation / draft until Approved by the parent user?
cheers, rob
- September 22, 2024
- 1
- Vlad commented 6 months ago
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