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Want to know how many people submit a form or click on contact details? Do that! And do it for every post on your website. The Lead Generation Counter plugin will: – count the number of elementor form submissions on your post/listing – count the number of clicks on elements that contain “click-counter” in the […]
This snippet works with the Elementor PRO Form. If you are using ACF or Voxel, create a field key “submission_count” for your post type. When a form is submitted on any post, the snippet will increment the value of the “submission_count” meta field with +1 for the post where the form was submitted.  
The Advanced List widget is a simple yet complex widget with which we can create lists, lists of links and lists of buttons with motion. We can add multiple types of content to the left or/and to the right of a text. SVG’s Lordicons (.json) Lotties (.json & .lottie) – both of them use the […]
When building websites with Elementor, it’s easy for things to get messy. It’s time to use global variables from the beginning. Import custom typography styles created by following the guidelines of untitledui.com for typography sizes and spacing (for optimal readability), and assign global values to your headlines and paragraphs. This approach prevents chaotic style names […]