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Theme that looks like a daily.dev with similar features.

For Team Members for Voxel plugin, an option that when a Team Member (child user) edits a post, submits it, this revised post is held in moderation / draft until Approved by the parent user?

Stripe Contactless payments (Tap to Pay) on phone it possible to implement this via web or a native app so that is sent the payment data and product from voxel. Payment is done contactless to stripe Voxel site that acts as POS Point of sale..
This would also enable a directory type site to offer contactless payments to there vendors and in turn customers.
Markets, Restaurants pop-up shops, In-person ticket sales.

As a company we are having to split between Square and voxel it would be a total change to have a single UI.


I will pledge the first €200 to make this happen

(will update with more deatils and business logic)

Ad Management system using preview cards to display Ads which redirect to advertisers website, although it could be also to internal Voxel page / listing.

To have a way for advertisers to measure their CTR (click through rate) i.e how many times an Ad is clicked compared to how many times it is displayed is used to evaluate the success of online advertising campaigns. Without it, its difficult to sell Ad space. The ideal situation would be having it compatible with Voxel’s current stats implementation, so advertisers can see what their CTR is.

A basic Ads Manager with those features, specific to Voxel would make a great third-party plugin. Using Voxel’s custom taxonomies, native Stats, an Ad widget, and custom click and view counters combined would be awesome.

An Ad CPT, essentially just with an image field (the Ad) and redirect URL field, that I’d imagine in itself ‘could’ trigger native click tracking, ideally with view tracking of Ad CPT Preview card.

Personally, I’d also add, I think a plugin that directly gives Voxel users an opportunity to monetise their site, outside what is already capable would be a popular plugin, sales wise.

Quite a few people have asked for this on the Voxel FB group, and as one person said, and I’d agree many smaller directory websites get more income from Display Ads than subscriptions or promotions.

Just to see how the new website section is doing. Check check.

Loving the plugin. One suggestion is maybe having a changelog tab on the plugins. I notice its v1.0.2 I’ve downloaded. Be great to know the changes past and going forward.