• Snippets | Category Archive
Show your post /user followers as hyperlink.design does with the upvoters and the user profiles. In your post type, create a post relation “Followers” with the Custom Relation Key “post-relation-followers”, that is related to “profiles” post type and that is of Relation Type “Belongs to many”. In your “Profiles” post type, create a post relation […]
When a post is published or deleted, the counter will re-count all of your posts from each post type that exists. An option value will be created/updated with the total number for each post type. To display the option you can use a simple variable $total_posts = get_option(‘total_post’, 0); or the Voxel Dynamic Tags from […]
This snippet works with the Elementor PRO Form. If you are using ACF or Voxel, create a field key “submission_count” for your post type. When a form is submitted on any post, the snippet will increment the value of the “submission_count” meta field with +1 for the post where the form was submitted.  
Toggle filters and expand when needed. Expands into this:
The code snippet will check the number of post relations of your post. In our example, we use “feature-request” post type key, When a feature request is created or updated, the function will run and check the database for voxel post relations, so that the hidden field “total_myposttype” will get updated with the total number […]